In Part 2 of our interview with author, podcaster and healing practitioner Cris Beasley, we talk about the role of emotional health in society and why it is crucial for gaining self-sovereignty, as well as the current position of mainstream science on energy work and healing practices.
103: Cris Beasley - Emotional Health and Self-Sovereignty Our guest in the last two episodes is Cris Beasley, an author, podcaster, ex AI startup founder and healing practitioner who created the Love Lock card deck to help people explore and work with difficult emotions. We asked Cris some of the questions that we often get from our listeners and course participants: how to access the repressed emotions in the body, what are some of the helpful techniques and tools to do it, and how to integrate these emotions into our lives in a healthy way. This episode is in two parts. In Part 1 we talked about the most common 4 emotional responses in difficult situations, the transformative power of breathwork, and other tools to access difficult emotions. You can find Part 1 at This is Part 2 where we talk about the role of emotional health in society and why it is crucial for gaining self-sovereignty, as well as the current position of mainstream science on energy work and healing practices. In This Episode of Future Thinkers: - The political aspects of science and why there is little research on emotional healing techniques - The poor level of emotional health on societal scale and how it affects the current state of the world - The value of working with experienced practitioners and a community on resolving traumas and reconnecting with our bodies Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: - Cris Beasley's website - - Cris Beasley's blog - - Wim Hof Breathing Method - - A Theory of Everything - TED talk by Garrett Lisi - Recommended Books: - Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy by Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof - - The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk - - Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind by Kirby Surprise - More From Future Thinkers: - FTP057, 058, 059: Daniel Schmachtenberger – Solving The Generator Functions of Existential Risks - - FTP037: Dr. Kirby Surprise - The Science Behind Synchronicity - To learn how to thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: - Registration closes on July 31! #crisbeasley #futurethinkers #podcasts #philosophy #psychology #consciousness #science #emotionalhealth
Cris Beasley - Trusting Our Senses Over Authority Cris Beasley is an author, podcaster, ex AI startup founder and healing practitioner who created the Love Lock card deck to help people explore and work with difficult emotions. Listen to the interview with Cris at To learn how to thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register today for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: - registration closes on July 31st! #crisbeasley #futurethinkers #podcasts #philosophy #psychology #consciousness #science #emotionalhealth
Cris Beasley - Demystifying Tarot & Oracle Readings Cris Beasley is an author, podcaster, ex AI startup founder and healing practitioner who created the Love Lock card deck to help people explore and work with difficult emotions. Listen to the interview with Cris at To learn how to thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register today for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: - registration closes on July 31st! #crisbeasley #futurethinkers #podcasts #philosophy #psychology #consciousness #science #emotionalhealth
101: Rebel Wisdom – Who Are The Intellectual Deep Web? We recently had a roundtable discussion with David Fuller and Alexander Beiner from Rebel Wisdom. They have been exploring many similar subjects as us, and have interviewed many of the same people like Daniel Schmachtenberger, Jordan Greenhall, and Jamie Wheal. We talked about the Intellectual Dark Web, where the conversation seems to be heading, the emergence of the Intellectual Deep Web, and how to find cohesion and unity in a decentralized world. In This Episode of Future Thinkers: - The Integral OS - The risks of getting caught in a single philosophical framework for understanding reality - What is the problem with Intellectual Dark Web, and how it’s moving away from the sense-making conversations - What is Intellectual Deep Web and who are its representatives today - How to turn this conversation into a wider cultural movement, and include more artists in it - Why consistent self-transformative practices are important on individual and community level - Is it possible to regard The Earth as a higher order meaning that people can connect with? - Developing mental sovereignty as an internal compass - Who are the next generation of elders and how they can keep their relevancy in the fast changing world? Links And Resources Mentioned In This Episode: - Rebel Wisdom - - Breaking Convention Conference - - The Legacy of Integral, Rebel Wisdom Podcast - - John Vervaeke – Jordan Peterson & The Meaning Crisis - - Inside The Intellectual Dark Web, Eric Weinstein - - Stan Grof, Czech psychiatrist - - The Comet is Coming, a UK band - In-Shadow – A Modern Odyssey, a short animated film by Lubomir Arsov - - Maps of Meaning: The Architecture of Belief, a lecture series by Jordan Peterson - - Jordan Peterson debate on the gender pay gap, campus protests and postmodernism, interview with Cathy Newman of Channel 4 - Recommended Books: - The Hero’s Journey by Joseph Campbell - - 12 Rules For Life: An Antidote to Chaos by Jordan Peterson - - Books by Erik Davis - More From Future Thinkers: - FTP100: Jamie Wheal – Sense-Making in Chaos - - FTP098, 099: John Vervaeke – Overcoming the Meaning Crisis - - Daniel Schmachtenberger interviews on Future Thinkers - - FTP063, 064: Jordan Greenhall – Deep Code: Learning How to Learn - - FTP048: Jordan Greehnall – Sovereignty in Chaos - - FTP047: Jordan Greenhall – Why We Need Collective Intelligence During Global Collapse - To learn how to thrive in the fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register today for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: #rebelwisdom #futurethinkers #podcasts #idw
102: Cris Beasley - Accessing Dark Emotions and Gaining Sovereignty in the Body Our guest in the following two episodes is Cris Beasley, an author, podcaster, ex AI startup founder and healing practitioner who created the Love Lock card deck to help people explore and work with difficult emotions. We asked Cris some of the questions that we often get from our listeners and course participants: how to access the repressed emotions in the body, what are some of the helpful techniques and tools to do it, and how to integrate these emotions into our lives in a healthy way. This episode is in two parts. This is Part 1 where we talk about the most common 4 emotional responses in difficult situations, the transformative power of breathwork, and other tools to access difficult emotions. In Part 2 we will talk about the role of emotional health in society and why it is crucial for gaining self-sovereignty, as well as the current position of mainstream science on energy work and healing practices. In This Episode of Future Thinkers: - The main stress responses in the body - Fight, Flight, Freeze and Please - How different breathing techniques can help us get back to the body - Using tarot cards as a tool for deep conversations and exploring repressed emotions - Accepting emotional discomfort - a key to self-transformation and growth - Can we train ourselves to experience different emotions? - What is "the meditation trap" and why meditation doesn't work for everyone - How to maintain agency and sovereignty in the moment of emotional trigger - The political aspects of science and why there is little research on emotional healing techniques - The poor level of emotional health on societal scale and how it affects the current state of the world - The value of working with experienced practitioners and a community on resolving traumas and reconnecting with our bodies Links and Resources Mentioned in This Episode: - Cris Beasley's website - - Cris Beasley's blog - - Wim Hof Breathing Method - - A Theory of Everything - TED talk by Garrett Lisi - - Marco Polo video communication app - Recommended Books: - Holotropic Breathwork: A New Approach to Self-Exploration and Therapy by Stanislav Grof and Christina Grof - - The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma by Dr. Bessel van der Kolk - - Synchronicity: The Art of Coincidence, Choice, and Unlocking Your Mind by Kirby Surprise - More From Future Thinkers: - FTP057, 058, 059: Daniel Schmachtenberger – Solving The Generator Functions of Existential Risks - - FTP037: Dr. Kirby Surprise - The Science Behind Synchronicity - To learn how to thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register until July 31 for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: #crisbeasley #futurethinkers #podcasts #philosophy #psychology #consciousness #science #emotionalhealth
Our guest in the following two episodes is Cris Beasley, an author, podcaster, ex AI startup founder and healing practitioner who created the Love Lock card deck to help people explore and work with difficult emotions. We asked Cris some of the questions that we often get from our listeners and course participants: how to access the repressed emotions in the body, what are some of the helpful techniques and tools to do it, and how to integrate these emotions into our lives in a healthy way.
This episode is in two parts. In Part 1 we talk about the most common 4 emotional responses in difficult situations, the transformative power of breathwork, and other tools to access difficult emotions.
In Part 2 we will talk about the role of emotional health in society and why it is crucial for gaining self-sovereignty, as well as the current position of mainstream science on energy work and healing practices.
We had a roundtable style discussion with David Fuller and Alexander Beiner from Rebel Wisdom about the Intellectual Dark Web, where that conversation is heading, the emergence of the Intellectual Deep Web, and how to find cohesion and unity in a decentralized world.
Jamie Wheal - Open-Sourcing The Tools for Self-Realization Jamie Wheal is a researcher and writer in the field of human potential, peak performance, and flow states. In this interview we talk about how to make sense in a world that is unraveling faster than we can keep up with, discuss the potential solutions to this crisis, and the challenges of building coherent and resilient communities. Check out the full interview at To learn how to adapt to our uncertain future and thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: #jamiewheal #futurethinkers #podcasts #consciousness
Our guest in this episode is Jamie Wheal, a researcher and coach in the field of human potential, peak performance, and flow states. He is the co-author of the book “Stealing Fire” and director of Flow Genome Project.
In this interview we talk about how to make sense in a world that is unraveling faster than we can keep up with, discuss the potential solutions to this crisis, and the challenges of building coherent and resilient communities.
Jamie Wheal - We Need To Digest Our Grief and Fear Jamie Wheal is a researcher and coach in the field of human potential, peak performance, and flow states. In this interview we talk about how to make sense in a world that is unraveling faster than we can keep up with, discuss the potential solutions to this crisis, and the challenges of building coherent and resilient communities. Check out the full interview at To learn how to adapt to our uncertain future and thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: #jamiewheal #sensemaking #futurethinkers
100: Jamie Wheal - Sense-Making In Chaos Jamie Wheal is a researcher and coach in the field of human potential, peak performance, and flow states. He is the co-author of the book “Stealing Fire” and director of Flow Genome Project. In this interview we talk about how to make sense in a world that is unraveling faster than we can keep up with, discuss the potential solutions to this crisis, and the challenges of building coherent and resilient communities. In This Episode Of Future Thinkers: - A quickening of complexity and consequence, and the state of overwhelm as a public health issue - How collapse of benign authority in the last 50 years contributed to the sense of abandonment and disenchantment - What is the actual urgency for a systemic change in the world - How complexity, cognitive biases and the capacity to process grief are affecting our understanding of what is going on in the world - The pitfalls of transformational culture and why we are making the same mistakes as the hippie generation of our parents - Weaponization, commercialization and hedonization - our most dangerous impulses when using powerful transformational tools - The importance of open-sourcing the tools for self-realization ahead of the efforts to co-opt them - The challenge of creating a post-conventional group flow and how ethical cults can emerge - The potential place for a Council of Women Elders in future communities Links and Resources Mentioned In This Episode: - Hacking Collective Intelligence, an interview with Jamie Wheal on Rebel Wisdom - - Rule Omega: Greenhall, Schmachtenberger, Wheal (excerpt from the conversation on Rebel Wisdom) - - Flow Genome Project - - Existential Climate-Related Security Risk: A Scenario Approach, a report by Breakthrough - National Centre for Climate Restoration - - Interview with Dr. Gabor Maté on Tim Ferris Show - - Reality Bites, a movie directed by Ben Stiller (1994) - Recommended Books: - Stealing Fire: How Silicon Valley, the Navy SEALs, and Maverick Scientists Are Revolutionizing the Way We Live and Work by Jamie Wheal and Steven Kotler - - The Master Switch: The Rise and Fall of Information Empires by Tim Wu - - Upheaval, Guns, Germs And Steel and Collapse, a trilogy by Jared Diamond -,, - Falter: Has the Human Game Begun to Play Itself Out? by Bill McKibben - - The Hero's Journey, the collected works of Joseph Campbell - More From Future Thinkers: - FTP098, 099: John Vervaeke - Overcoming The Meaning Crisis, - FTP097: Sovereignty vs. Identity, - Daniel Schmachtenberger Interviews on Future Thinkers Podcast, - FTP062, 063: Jordan Greenhall - Deep Code: Learning How To Learn, To learn how to thrive in this fast changing world, sign up for our mailing list and get the 50+ page guide: Register for A Course in Personal Evolution - Adapting age-old wisdom for a modern life of purpose and meaning: #jamiewheal #futurethinkers #podcast #philosophy #psychology #consciousness
John Vervaeke - The Problem With Seeking Your "True Self" An excerpt from the interview with John Vervaeke, a lecturer at the University of Toronto and author of Awakening From the Meaning Crisis lecture series Check out the full interview at: #meaningcrisis #johnvervaeke #futurethinkers #podcast ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Register for the Course in Personal Evolution - the course designed to help you create a life of meaning, purpose and impact: